Cat First Aid - Signs Of Shock, Basic First Aid, Emergency Help

Cat first aid items are always good to keep on hand, or include in your family first aid kit. Sometimes cats can come into contact with things that are not good for them, or something simple like a quick nail trim can need cat first aid if the nail quick gets nicked accidentally.

When in doubt of a situation's severity ALWAYS contact your vet for advice!

It is a good idea to ask your vet if there is an emergency or after hours vet in your area, and what their procedures are. Our local emergency vet gives out fridge magnets with their hours and contact information on them. I have had a few cat emergencies, and was grateful for those magnets during those stressful times. The last thing you want at that point is to be frantically wondering who to call and how to reach them. Having the information available ahead of time lets your focus be on your cat.

Never give your cat any pain medication - especially Tylenol - meant for humans.

Their small livers cannot process these drugs in the same way ours can, and any amount of human painkillers is an overdose for them. It can be difficult to see your pet in pain, but trust that the vet will give them pain relief once any necessary tests have been done.

It will be difficult, but try to stay as calm as possible. If your cat has eaten something that you think is poisonous, contact your vet immediately. They may need you to do something right away before bringing the cat into their clinic. Have the name of the substance or plant available (or a good description of the plant) and how much you think they ate. If your cat has gotten into a poisonous substance, bring the container to the vet with you if possible. It will shorten the time for your pet to get help if the vet knows exactly what the cat has eaten.

Click here for a list of some substances and plants that are poisonous to cats.

If your cat has signs of illness, do not leave your cat unattended. Some cats will hide out of fear. If possible, have someone else call the vet or bring you the phone while you stay with your cat. If you are alone and your cat can be moved, confine the cat to a smaller area until you return.

Some cat first aid items that are good to have in case of emergency are:

  1. A cat carrier
  2. Quikstop - a blood clotting agent in case their quick is nicked while trimming their nails (if bleeding is occurring and you don't have any Quikstop, cornstarch powder can also be used)
  3. Gauze pads
  4. An elastic bandage
  5. Towels and/or a blanket

If you see any of the following things, call the vet right away:

  • Uncontrollable/unexplained bleeding
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Convulsions
  • Unconsciousness
  • Shock - see also what does shock look like?
  • Sudden paralysis
  • Inability to urinate - see also Cat Cystitis
  • Repeated or continuous vomiting and/or diarrhea
  • Injury to the eyes
  • A trauma has occurred to the cat, eg. hit by object

This is not a complete list - if you are concerned or the cat is not acting normally, seek veterinary advice!

It is a cat's natural instinct to avoid showing weakness, so if the cat seems to be having symptoms of illness this is a sign that your vet should be called.

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